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Cm Slim

CM Slim produced by Daeyang Medical , is a high intensity electromagnetic stimulator for muscle toning and simultaneous fat reduction.

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The targeted electromagnetic field effectively stimulates the muscles, causing them to contract. Muscle contractions are great for growing muscles and burning fat.

Two applicators are placed on the chosen muscle area, such as abs, thighs or buttocks. The applicators generate dynamic electromagnetic fields that cause the involuntary contraction of muscles.

The treatment

Sessions with CMSLIM do not require anesthesia or incisions and do not cause discomfort. Patients lie back and relax while the device performs the equivalent of more than 20,000 crunches or squats, painlessly. A single treatment session lasts 30 minutes and does not include recovery time. For most people, 2-3 treatments per week are enough to achieve perfect results. Typically, it is recommended to undergo 4-6 treatments.

Effect on Muscles

Recent studies have observed an average increase of 15-16% in the thickness of patients' abdominal muscles two months after treatment.

Effect on fat

Many recent studies using CT, MRI and ultrasound have reported a reduction of approximately 19% in the subcutaneous fat layers of the abdomen in patients treated with HI-EMT devices.

Treatments :

  • Face & Body Contouring

Before & After : 
